Monday, February 11, 2013

Real Estate Photography Prep Guide

Days before I photograph any home, I send off to the Agent or homeowner the Liz Lopez Real Estate Photography Prep Guide.  Homeowners really appreciate having a step-by-step guide to assist them in getting their home ready for a real estate shoot.  Sellers are often confused by the requested 'decluttering', or 'what's going to be photographed' or they make the assumption that the buyer will look over or understand their personal effects (buyers don't).   The guide is filled with suggestions and tips that can make a big impact on a listing photo presentation.

Shoot me an email if you would like a copy of my Liz Lopez Real Estate Photography Prep Guide. Even if you do your own photography, your seller will appreciate your assistance in getting their home 'click worthy'.

Liz Lopez Photography
Specializing in Atlanta Real Estate and Interiors