Thursday, March 17, 2011

5 Smart Ways to sell your home - Wage War On-line

Spring has always been my most favorite time of year in Atlanta.  Everything starts to bloom and the brown begins to wash away and make room for some color.   It's also the time of year when homeowners become serious about putting their homes on the market if they haven't already.  So what can a home seller do to make the most of this really tough market and be competitive with all the others homes  out there? 
Barbara Corcoran, a real estate guru and one of the most quoted pros in the real estate business was interviewed on  the Today Show and offers up 5 Smart Ways to sell your home.  The video is from a few of weeks ago but her advice holds true for any time of year.  Not to challenge Barbara, but I think she lists six ... maybe one and two are combined??   Doesn't matter, great advice whether it's five or six.  Here are the six I got out of the interview:

1. Time it right.
2. Price your home wisely.
3. Get an inspection of your home before it lists.
4. Offer financial incentives upfront.
5. WAGE WAR ON-LINE -  Phenomenal photographs! (my personal fave)
6. Spend on the 3 key areas - kitchen, living room and front facade.

Get your Home Seller's To Do notebook out and enjoy!

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